Do you have a friend with a dark mood that you can feel over the phone (or internet)?

When you’re feeling down, nothing cheers you up like a good laugh. What better way to get a good laugh than by sending a funny text message to a friend?

Well, if that’s what you’re searching for, you came to the right place since I have compiled here ways to cheer up someone through text or the internet.

Make them laugh

Here are some ideas of how you can use laughter to cheer up someone:

Send them a funny picture or meme

One of the best ways to make someone laugh is to send them a funny picture or meme. This is an easy way to make them forget their troubles and have a good laugh.

For example, I’m a great fan of the tv series “How I Met Your Mother” so sending me memes from this page will certainly lift up my mood.

Send them a funny social media page or account

Some great examples of funny social media pages are “The People of Walmart“. These pages are full of hilarious pictures and videos that are sure to make your friends laugh.

Send them your favorite funny video on YouTube

Do you know Steven He from YouTube? I’m a Filipino so I can certainly relate to his jokes. If your friend is a Filipino, send him Steven’s video like this one:

Remind them of a funny memory

Sometimes, there is no need to send your friend to another part of the internet. If you have a funny memory with him or her, remind him about that one.

Change the topic

There are other ways you can try as well to cheer up someone without being funny:

Ask them about their day

If your friend is having a bad day, one of the best ways to cheer them up is to ask them about their day. This will show that you care about them and want to know what’s going on in their life.

Go down memory lane

Reminiscing about the good old days is a great way to make someone feel better. Talk about the time when you first met, your first date (if the person is your girlfriend or boyfriend, of course), or any other happy memory.

Talk about someone (positively)

Gossiping is not a good thing, but talking about someone in a positive light is. If you know somebody who is doing great things, talk about that person to your friend. This will surely make him feel good.

Maybe you can get your best friend to look like this:

When someone tells you something you really don't want to know
Source: Post by @AlisonSparkle | Memes

Plan activities and fun things to do together

If you want to make someone feel better, one of the best things you can do is to plan fun activities that you can do together. This will not only cheer him up but will also make him feel loved and appreciated.

How to know when your friend is already okay

It can be tough to know when your friend is already okay. You may not want to bother them if they’re busy, or you may not want to intrude on their space if they’re still upset.

Here are a few tips on how to tell when your friend is already okay:

1. They respond to your jokes.

This is a good sign that your friend is in a better mood and is ready to laugh again. If he or she laughs at your jokes, it’s a sign that he or she is feeling better.

After all, it’s really hard to be gloomy and laugh at a joke at the same time. Don’t believe me? Try it and you will certainly fail. *laughing

Besties laughing together
Source: Post by @afaelik | Memes

2. Reply with their own jokes.

Another good sign that your friend is feeling better is when he or she replies to your jokes with his or her own jokes. This means that he or she is in a good enough mood to joke around.

More or less, this means they’re back to their normal selves. Well, if that isn’t a sure way of knowing your friend is okay, I don’t know what is.

3. Talk about what was wrong.

If your friend is ready to talk about what was wrong, it’s a good sign that he or she is feeling better. This means that he or she is ready to face the problem and is no longer avoiding it.

Of course, you should still be there to support your friend even if he or she is already feeling better. After all, a problem shared is a problem halved.

Anyway, I hope the ideas above were able to help. If you have other ideas, share them as well in the comment section below.


Alan is the founder of Relationship Guide and other sites by Content Growers. When he's not writing here, he's busy helping clients generate more qualified leads and increase sales by educating readers with strategic content and writing blogs.

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